I have been a professional journalist, a high school teacher, a customer service rep at a high-end chocolate company, a barista, a science journal editor, a video editor, a researcher, copywriter, web designer, and probably several other things that I don’t remember at the moment.
I’ve written about topics that have interested me greatly, and many that haven’t at all. Through it all I’ve tried to do my best to accurately and compellingly convey facts, meaning, and context to readers. Often, however, I haven’t put my heart and soul into my work and the connection between what I produce and my passion have been few and far between.
During my professional journalism career, I witnessed the implosion of an entire industry (sadly the one I was in) and have bumped around trying to figure out what my place is in the universe ever since. This all sounds egotistical and self-absorbed and maybe it is. So be it. I get my little space to opine. If you don’t like it, you are welcome to check out the countless beagle videos on YouTube (which I highly recommend).
For anyone still reading this, I am hoping that unlike previous attempts to write a blog that I actually keep this up.
I am easy to find online if you want more information about me. Please feel free to contact me if you’d like a lovely feature piece written about a topic that I care about. Otherwise, see you in the next one.
A sheynem dank.